The Priapus Shot or P-Shot is a treatment that can help treat erectile dysfunction, Peyronie’s disease and premature ejaculation. The P-shot can lead to increased sensation/pleasure and straightening (Peyronie’s). The treatment involves drawing the patient’s blood, processing it and then injecting a component of the blood called platelet rich plasma into the tissue of the penis. Platelet rich plasma is known to contain many growth factors that can help improve sexual performance by stimulating cells to regenerate collagen, blood vessel and ultimately restoring a strong tissue structure. The injection itself takes about 5 minutes to perform, and the rest of the procedure is about 25 minutes. There are minimal side effects, light pinching or pressure feeling can sometimes be experienced during the procedure and expect to have bruising around the injected sites. The P-shot can be used in conjunction with Shockwave therapy to improve results.